Hat obtained from 800 pg of plasmid. By Western blot, MCF7 and
Hat obtained from 800 pg of plasmid. By Western blot, MCF7 and MCF7/RR cells have undetectable ERR protein in 67 g of entire cell lysate, when 25 ng of purified…
Hat obtained from 800 pg of plasmid. By Western blot, MCF7 and MCF7/RR cells have undetectable ERR protein in 67 g of entire cell lysate, when 25 ng of purified…
To as MDA-DEC (see Fig. 4A)) withVOLUME 288 ?Quantity 18 ?May well 3,13136 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY4-Subunit Palmitoylation Controls BK Channel Traffickingeither an N-terminal FLAG tag (FLAG-ZERO) or an N-terminal…